Saturday, February 2, 2013

Welcome to Narnia!

This was one of the top memories made over Christmas break and the above picture of the outing was such a hit on Facebook that I decided to put up more pictures. We went up on Skyline Drive (part of the Shenandoah National Park) where the road was closed due to ice and snow and helped ourselves to the winter wonderland at hand. We hadn't done this since I was a little kid and it was like passing through the wardrobe and into Narnia. I miss the city but rural living has its perks!

 Setting out on our journey.

We went back a week later at night and could see planes circling Dulles from this overlook. WORD!

EPIC Icicles!

Arriving at the Tunnel. 

The other side of the tunnel. If you look carefully, you'll see some "mountain goats" right above the tunnel. ;-) It was harder to get up there than it looks. One slip on the ice and...well.....

We haven't had enough snow since to go back but I'm optimistic that one of these years it will happen again. 

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