I am a musician, teacher, and graduate student with a weakness for fashion. I am also experiencing a weakness in the financial department thanks to the teacher wages and grad school expenses. As I was organizing my receipts from 2011 I came to the realization that I had spent quite a bit of last year’s wages on clothes.
So I did the unthinkable.
I vowed to not purchase any NEW clothes in 2012. No more trips to Target. No more sales at JC Penney. No more Black Friday steals. No more.
None of my friends think I can pull it off. They are certainly justified in their doubt. I don’t exactly have a great track record when it comes to fashion and self-control. But I have a closet bursting with clothes and no money. So it seems pretty obvious that something has to change.
There is ONE shining light in my resolution….if I find that I the shopping urge is overtaking me to the point that I may have a nervous breakdown, then I am allowing myself to go thrifting. Considering my local thrift store has “Bag Day” specials where a garbage bag full of eligible items only costs $5.25 I think this is an acceptable exception.
Part of my problem is that I am uncreative when it comes to putting together outfits and therefore I think I need to go out and buy more outfits. Thanks to a few stellar fashion blogs, which I will share with you in upcoming posts, I am learning how to remix my wardrobe. I am shocked at how many fun ensembles are already in my possession. Pictures coming soon.
Some of you may ask “Why are you just now starting a blog about this resolution when you started the project 2 months ago?” The answer is twofold: (1) I wanted to make sure it was something I was committed to before telling the world. (2) I wanted to establish credibility by doing a 2 month trial period. Perhaps if readers (and myself) see that I have managed to stay on track for 2 months, they (and I) will stick around to see how the next 10 go.
And so I invite you to join me as I take my leap of courage. At the very least it will be entertaining. Let the “fun” begin!